Tag Archives: scandal
Jerôme KERVIEL: «Traitor Trader» ou «Bouc émissaire»? Posted by Hichem on Jun 24, 2010
“SCANDAL“: A seven-letter word that somehow seems to have morphed into “le maître-mot” (the “catchword”, or the “buzzword”) in France these days. While the affaire Anelka is still unfolding, with the new implication of Thierry Henry, accused to be one of the masterminds behind the mutinée and la grève (the strike) directed against the Coach Domenech, another scandal, relatively old, is taking…
Scandal au Mondial des Bleus ! Posted by Hichem on Jun 22, 2010
Ca y est les gars, c’est fini ! (That’s all folks, it’s over!) Prochain rendez-vous des Bleus dans quatre ans pour la Coupe du Monde au Brésil (Next rendez-vous for les Bleus in four years for the World Cup in Brazil), and in two years for the UEFA Euro 2012 in la Pologne (Poland) and l’Ukraine. But then, the nagging question…