French Language Blog

Tag Archives: the new western

The French Cowboy Posted by on Sep 12, 2012

Come on, mes amis, wear your chapeaux (hats), bring along your Smith & Wessons, jump on the selles (saddles) of your chevaux (horses), and let’s all go for une petite balade (a small ride) with French Rap pioneer Mc Solaar… Our destination? We’re off to le Nouveau Western (“The New Western”) MC SOLAAR – “Le Nouveau Western“ (“The New Western”) Le vent souffle en Arizona The wind whirls…

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French Rap Pioneer Mc Solaar Edges on “Le Nouveau Western” Posted by on May 11, 2011

Come on, wear your chapeau (hat), bring your Smith & Wesson, jump on the selle (saddle) of your cheval (horse), and let’s go for une petite balade (a small ride) with Mc Solaar… We’re off to le Nouveau Western (“The New Western”) * * * MC SOLAAR, “Le Nouveau Western” (“The New Western”) * * * Le vent…

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