Tag Archives: winter vocabulary
Blizzard! Posted by Elizabeth Schmermund on Mar 14, 2017

In New York, we are awaiting a huge blizzard just several weeks before the first day of spring. But did you know that the word “blizzard” is actually a loanword–from English to French? The exact etymology of “blizzard” is unknown, although it was first used in the eighteenth century in Minnesota and it has been claimed…
Vocab for Surviving a French Winter Posted by Elizabeth Schmermund on Feb 23, 2015
En écrivant ce poste à New York pendant un hiver particulièrement brutale, je me suis dit « Allez, je vais faire un poste sur la neige, la froideur, et tout le reste. » Looking out my window today, I see about two feet of snow on the ground and frozen branches on bare trees. My car thermometer…