Tag Archives: world cup
La Coupe du Monde (The World Cup) Posted by Elizabeth Schmermund on Jun 26, 2018

Any soccer (or, rather, football) fans out there are surely aware of the important games that are occurring now. It is, of course, the World Cup (La Coupe du Monde), which occurs only once every four years. Unfortunately for American fans, the United States did not make it through qualifications. But, you can always still root…
Let Le Tour de France Begin! Posted by Hichem on Jul 2, 2011
Le Tour de France a commencé ! If you’re not a serious cycliste, it can be hard to get excited about watching a monthlong bike race, and it’s also sometimes hard to find the Tour on TV. Voici une solution au premier problème: Suivez le Tour de France en direct. That lien (link) should show the Tour “en…
French Slang Expressions with the Letter F Posted by Hichem on Jun 28, 2010
Le B.A.-BA de l’Argot (The ABC of French Slang) is back, and today, it’s with la lettre F, containing a long répertoire of words and expressions which you will surely like to learn and memorize, and more importantly, above all else, to recognize, whether in reading or hearing. Allez, c’est parti ! (Here we go!) * * *…
The (Broken) American Dream of a French Football Team Posted by Hichem on Apr 17, 2010
Today is vendredi. A long week has mercifully come to an end, Dieu merci (Thank God.) What do you les gars (guys) like to do in your fin de semaine (on the weekend) ? Personnellement (personally), one of my favorite passe-temps (hobbies) when I have du temps libre (free time) is to play le football. Let us then… “tackle” a bit the…