Adverbs in Hindi Posted by Nitin Kumar on Oct 17, 2010 in Hindi Language
Hopefully, you would be waiting for another lesson on Hindi grammar, so here it is. Today, we will see another important part of speech in Hindi, the Adverb. There are various types of adverbs in Hindi. Let us see, how they are classified into classes and sub-classes.
Definition: Those words that tell us more about action are called Adverb.
परिभाषा :- क्रिया की विषेशता बताने वाले शब्दों को क्रिया विषेशण कहते है।
जैसें (For Example) :-
1. लता मंगेषकर अच्छा गाती है। (रीति – Method). Lata Mangashgar aacha gati hai.(Lata Mangashgar sings very well)
2. दीपावली कल मनाई जाएगी। (समय – Time). Diwali kal manayi jayegi.(Diwali will be celebrated tomorrow.)
3. वह ऊपर गया है। (स्थान – Place). Veh uppar gaya hai. (He has gone above.)
4. उसे भी थोडा पढने दो । (परिमाण – Quantity). Usse bhi thoda padne do. (Let him also study a little.)
The underlined words, अच्छा (Good), कल (Tomorrow), ऊपर (Above) , थोडा (a little) tell us the method, time, place, quantity etc of the action respectively.
In Hindi, we can further divide Adverb into 4 important classes of Adverb. Let us see these 4 different types of Adverb:
1. रीतिवाचक क्रिया विषेशण (Adverb of Manner) :-
In Hindi, those words that tell us the method of the action are known as Adverb of Manner.
जैसे (For example) :-
1. वे हमारी कहानी ध्यानपूर्वक सुन रहे थे। Veh hamari kahani dhayanpurvak sun rahe the. (They were listening to our story carefully.)
2. माँ ने पुत्री को भली भाँति समझा दिया था। Maa ne putri ko bhalibhati samjha diya tha. (Mother made her daughter clearly understood.)
The underlined words, ध्यानपूर्वक (carefully) and भली भाँति (clearly) are adverb of manner as they tell us the manner of action. Similarly, धीरे- धीरे (slowly), सहसा (suddenly), सच (truth), तेज (fast), जैसे (like), वैसे (like wise) are also adverb of manner.
In Hindi, रीतिवाचक क्रिया विषेशण (Adverb of manner) is divided into 9 types, according to what they tell about manner of action :
1. विधि वाचक (Method) – धीरे-धीरे (slowly), हाथों हाथ (on hand), सुखपूर्वक (happily), शीघ्र (urgently)।
2. निष्चयवाचक (Decisiveness) – जरूर (sure), नि: सन्देह (without doubt) ।
3. अनिष्चयवाचक (Indecisiveness) – अक्सर (occasionly), कदाचित (never), शायद (maybe), संभवत: (possibly) ।
4. हेतु वाचक (Purpose) – अतएव (atlast), इसलिए (therefore), किस लिए (for what), क्यों (why) ।
5. निशेधवाचक (Prohibtion) – नहीं (no), मत (don’t) , न (don’t/no), कभी नहीं (never) ।
6. प्रष्न वाचक (Interrogative) – कैसे (how), क्यों (why) ।
7. स्वीकृतिवाचक (Permission) – हाँ (yes), जी (yes), सच (truth), बिल्कुल (sure), ठीक (right)।
8. अवधारण वाचक (Concept) – भर (full), तक (upto, by), मात्र (only) ।
9. आकस्मिकतावाचक (Suddenness) – अचानक , एकाएक , अकस्मात, सहसा (at sudden)।
2. कालवाचक क्रिया विषेशण (Adverb of Time)
In Hindi, those words which give us the information about the time of a action is called Adverb of Time.
जैसे (For Example) :-
1. माता जी अभी गई हैं। Mata ji abhi gayi hain. (Mother has just gone.)
2. मैं कल तुम्हारे घर गया था। Mein tumhare ghar kal gaya tha. (I went to your house yesterday.)
Adverb of time are divided into 3 types, according to what they tell about the time of action as:
1. कालबिन्दु वाचक (Point):- आज (Today), कल (Tomorrow, Yesterday), परसों (Day before/after yesterday/Tomorrow), अब (Now), जब (Then), कब (When), तब (Then), अभी (Now)।
2. अवधि वाचक (Duration) :- आजकल (nowdays), सदैव (always), रातभर (all through night), दिनभर (all through day)।
3. बारम्बारता वाचक (Frequency) :- हर दिन (each day), रोज (daily), प्रतिदिन (everyday), प्रति वर्ष(every year)।
3. स्थानवाचक क्रिया विषेशण (Adverb of Place) :-
Those words which tell about the place or direction of the action.
जैसे (For example):-
1. बच्चे ऊपर खेल रहे हैं। Bacche uppar khel rahe hain. (Children are playing upstairs.)
2. पिताजी अन्दर बैठे है। Pita ji aandar bathe hain. (Father is sitting inside.)
The underlined words, ऊपर (upstairs, above) and अन्दर (inside) give information regarding the place and direction of action.
These adverbs are also of 2 types, according to what they tell about the place/direction of action as:
1. स्थिति वाचक (Position) :- आप-पास (Nearby), आर-पार (Across), चारों ओर (Everywhere), आगे (Ahead), पीछे (Behind), अन्दर (Inside), बाहर (Outside), जहाँ (where), तहाँ (There)।
2. दिशा वाचक (Direction) :- आमने – सामने (Across each other), ऊपर (Above), नीचे (Below), दाएँ (Right), बाएँ (Left), इधर -उधर (Here and there) ।
4. परिमाणवाचक क्रिया विषेशण (Adverb of Quantity ) :-
Those words which give the measure (quantity) of action are called Adverb of Quantity.
जैसे (For example):-
1. अब में बिल्कुल थक चुका हूँ। Ab mein bilkul thak chuka hoon. (Now, I am surely/totally exhausted.)
2. उतना खाना चाहिए जितना पच सके। Utna khana chahiye jitna pach sake. (We should eat that much which can be digested.)
The underlined words, बिल्कुल (surely) , उतना (that much), जितना ( as much) are adverb of quantity.
These are further divided into 5 types, according to what they tell about the quantity of action as:
1. अधिकतावाचक (Excess) – खूब (Abundant), अत्यन्त (Extreme), अधिक (More)।
2. न्यूनतावाचक (Minimal) – कम (less), थोडा (little)।
3. पर्याप्तवाचक (Adequate) – पर्याप्त (enough) , काफी (enough/sufficient)।
4. तुलनावाचक (Comparision) – कितना (How much), जितना (as much), इतना (this much), उतना (that much)।
5. श्रेणीवाचक (Category) – बारी-बारी से (one by one), कम से (as little), थोडा-थोड़ा (little by little)।
Hopefully, you learned much on adverb in this lesson. Please do write your feedback in comments section or on our Facebook page.
क्रिया विषेशण (Adverb)
Hopefully, you would be waiting for another lesson on Hindi grammar so here it comes.
Today, we will see another important part of speech in Hindi, the Adverb. Adverb are very much used in Hindi and they are of various types.
Let us see, how they are classified into classes and sub-classes.
Definition: Those words that tell us the specific of action are called Adverb.
परिभाषा :- क्रिया की विषेशता बताने वाले शब्दों को क्रिया विषेशण कहते हैं
जैसें (For Example) :-
1. लता मंगेषकर अच्छा गाती है। (रीति – Method). Lata Mangashgar aacha gati hai.(Lata Mangashgar sings very well)
2. दीपावली कल मनाई जाएगी। (समय – Time). Diwali kal manayi jayegi.(Diwali will be celebrated tomorrow.)
3. वह ऊपर गया है। (स्थान – Place). Veh uppar gaya hai. (He has gone above.)
4. उसे भी थोडा पढने दो । (परिमाण – Quantity). Usse bhi thoda padne do. (Let him also study a little.)
The underlined words अच्छा (Good), कल (Tomorrow), ऊपर (Above) , थोडा (a little) tell us the method,time,place, quantity etc of the action respectively.
In Hindi, we can further divide Adverb into 4 important classes of Adverb. Let us see these 4 different types of Adverb:
(क) रीतिवाचक क्रिया विषेशण (Adverb of Manner) :- In Hindi, those words that tell us the method of the action are known as Adverb of Manner.
जैसे (For example) :-
1. वे हमारी कहानी ध्यानपूर्वक सुन रहे थे। Veh hamari kahani dhayanpurvak sun rahe the. (They were listening to our story carefully.)
2. माँ ने पुत्री को भली भाँति समझा दिया था। Maa ne putri ko bhalibhati samjha diya tha. (Mother made her daughter clearly understood.)
The underline words ध्यानपूर्वक (carefully) and भली भाँति (clearly) are adverb of manner as they tell us the manner of action.
Like those, धीरे- धीरे (slowly), सहसा (suddenly), सच (truth), तेज (fast), जैसे (like), वैसे (like wise) are also adverb of manner.
In Hindi, रीतिवाचक क्रिया विषेशण (Adverb of manner) is divided into 9 types, according to what they tell about manner of action :
1. विधि वाचक (Method) – धीरे-धीरे (slowly), हाथों हाथ (on hand), सुखपूर्वक (happily), शीघ्र (urgently)।
2. निष्चयवाचक (Decisiveness) – जरूर (sure), नि: सन्देह (without doubt) ।
3. अनिष्चयवाचक (Indecisiveness)- अक्सर (occasionly), कदाचित (never), शायद (maybe), संभवत: (possibly) ।
4. हेतु वाचक (Purpose) – अतएव (atlast), इसलिए (therefore), किस लिए (for what), क्यों (why) ।
5. निशेधवाचक (Prohibtion) – नहीं (no), मत (don’t) , न (don’t/no), कभी नहीं (never) ।
6. प्रष्न वाचक (Interrogative) – कैसे (how), क्यों (why) ।
7. स्वीकृतिवाचक (Permission)- हाँ (yes), जी (yes), सच (truth), बिल्कुल (sure), ठीक (right)।
8. अवधारण वाचक (Concept) – भर (full), तक (upto, by), मात्र (only) ।
9. आकस्मिकतावाचक (Suddenness) – अचानक , एकाएक , अकस्मात, सहसा (at sudden)।
(ख) कालवाचक क्रिया विषेशण (Adverb of Time)
In Hindi, those words which give us the information about the time of a action is called Adverb of Time.
जैसे (For Example) :-
1. माता जी अभी गई हैं। Mata ji abhi gayi hain. (Mother has just gone.)
2. मैं कल तुम्हारे घर गया था। Mein tumhare ghar kal gaya tha. (I went to your house yesterday.)
Adverb of time are divided into 3 types, according to what they tell about the time of action as:
1. कालबिन्दु वाचक (Point):- आज (Today), कल (Tomorrow, Yesterday), परसों (Day before/after yesterday/Tomorrow), अब (Now), जब (Then), कब (When), तब (Then), अभी (Now)।
2. अवधि वाचक (Duration) :- आजकल (nowdays), सदैव (always), रातभर (all through night), दिनभर (all through day)।
3. बारम्बारता वाचक (Frequency) :- हर दिन (each day), रोज (daily), प्रतिदिन (everyday), प्रति वर्ष(every year)।
(ग) स्थानवाचक क्रिया विषेशण (Adverb of Place) :- Those words which tell about the place or direction of the action.
जैसे (for example):-
1. बच्चे ऊपर खेल रहे हैं। Bacche uppar khel rahe hain. (Children are playing upstairs.)
2. पिताजी अन्दर बैठे है। Pita ji aandar bathe hain. (Father is sitting inside.)
The underlined words, ऊपर (upstairs, above) and अन्दर (inside) give information regarding the place and direction of action.
These adverbs are also of 2 types, according to what they tell about the place/direction of action as:
1. स्थिति वाचक (Position) :- आप-पास (Nearby), आर-पार (Across), चारों ओर (Everywhere), आगे (Ahead), पीछे (Behind), अन्दर (Inside), बाहर (Outside), जहाँ (where), तहाँ (There)।
2. दिषा वाचक (Direction) :- आमने – सामने (Across each other), ऊपर (Above), नीचे (Below), दाएँ (Right), बाएँ (Left), इधर -उधर (Here and there) ।
(घ) परिमाणवाचक क्रिया विषेशण (Adverb of Quantity ) :- Those words which give the measure (quantity) of action are called Adverb of Quantity.
जैसे (For example):-
1. अब में बिल्कुल थक चुका हूँ। Ab mein bilkul thak chuka hoon. (Now, I am totally exhausted.)
2. उतना खाना चाहिए जितना पच सके। Utna khana chahiye jitna pach sake. (We should eat that much which can be digested.)
The underlined words, बिल्कुल ( , उतना (that much), जितना ( as much) are adverb of quantity.
These are further divided into 5 types, according to what they tell about the quantity of action as:
1. अधिकतावाचक (Excess) – खूब (Abundant), अत्यन्त (Extreme), अधिक (More)।
2. न्यूनतावाचक (Minimal) – कम (less), थोडा (little)।
3. पर्याप्तवाचक (Adequate) – पर्याप्त (enough) , काफी (enough/sufficient)।
4. तुलनावाचक (Comparision) – कितना (How much), जितना (as much), इतना (this much), उतना (that much)।
5. श्रेणीवाचक (Category) – बारी-बारी से (one by one), कम से (as little), थोडा-थोड़ा (little by little)।
Hopefully, you learned much on adverb in this lesson. Do write your feedback in comments section or on our facebook page.

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Vedha Viyash:
Nice to learn in this simplest way
thanks a lot this helped me a lot in 10th board exams
Ur too helpful bro, must’ve taken a long time and ur job isn’t even related to hindi, good job, faith in humanity increased
shivam tiwari:
thanks for help
@shivam tiwari Are you for Shivam on Narayana
Thanks man appreciate it
Adverb are the words that helps you change the meaning of a verb. Different types of adverb, adverb of place/time and many more you can learn from
This is the best,simpliest way of learning adverb in hindi ever.With the help of this lession i can create thousand of words in hindi.Thank you so much for your kind job.
Jitendra yadav:
Simple way to learn ??
Nice to learn in hindi and English