Holy Cow Posted by Nitya on Dec 16, 2016 in Hindi Language
The cow is considered a holy पावन (paa-vun) creature by India’s mostly Hindu population. As such, to feed this divine creature is considered a noble task that brings goodwill पुण्य (poonya) and good fortune अच्छे भाग्य (acche bhaagya) . In the early mornings, you may have noticed cows resting, tethered, and positioned strategically on sidewalks and near busy streets or street corners. Bundles of long grass lie piled next to them, behind which sits a handler/cow owner. For a small fee, you can buy a bundle of grass घास (ghaas) and feed it to the cow as a small prayer प्रार्थना (praarthana) to ensure a day blessed by “go-mata” or “mother cow.”
Let us listen to this conversation between two friends discussing one friend’s trip to her village farm.
Conversation Vocabulary
नुक्कड़ | nukkad | street corners |
फुटपाथ | footpath | sidewalk |
झुंड | jhoond | herds |
गाड़ियाँ | gaadiyaan | vehicles |
गाय | gaay | cow |
जगह | jug-uh | locations/places |
दैनिक दृश्य | dye-nik drishya | daily sights |
पावन | paa-vun | holy |
पुण्य | poonya | goodwill |
अच्छे भाग्य | acche bhaagya | good fortune |
घास | ghaas | grass |
प्रार्थना | prarthana | prayer |
क्या बताऊँ | kya bataaoon | What can I say? (kya = what; bataaoon = should I say; infinitive: bataana = to say) |
आशीर्वाद | aashirvaad | blessings |
माथा | maatha | forehead |
मेहनत | mehnat | hard work |
खेत | khet | fields/farm |
इतने | itne | so many |
कितने | kitne | how many? |
बैल | bail | bull |
बैल गाडी | bail gaadi | cow/bull-drawn cart (gaadi = vehicle) |
चारा खिलाया | chaaraa khilaya | chaaraa=fodder/grass; khilaana=to feed |
सैर | sair | trip/tour |
ग्वाला | gvala | cowherd (one who herds cows/cattle) |
नानाजी | nanaji | maternal grandfather |
थोड़ी | thodi | a little |
मदद की | madad ki | helped (madad karna = to help) |
खेत | khet | farm |
अकेले | akele | all alone/singlehandedly |
संभालते हैं | sambhaalte hain | looks after/manages; sambhaalna =to manage |

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