Mangalyaan Posted by Nitin Kumar on Sep 23, 2014 in Hindi Language
India awaits the final phrase of its biggest space ambition (महत्वाकांक्षा – Mahatvaalansha) till date, Magalyaan from Mangal which means planet Mars and Yaan which means Spacecraft), the mission to Mars. The nation’s debut mission to Mars (मंगल ग्रह – Mangal Grah) was lunched on 5 November 2013 by her national space agency, the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO). The total mission was of 300 days and will come to an end when it will enter the orbit of Mars on early morning of 24th September which is just a few hours from now. If successful, India will become the fourth nation to successfully place its spacecraft (अंतरिक्ष यान – Antarishyaan) in martian orbit, the first to be successful (सफल – Saphal) on her debut mars mission, and first to do so in Asia.
Mangalyaan (मंगलयान) mission was decided after the success of debut lunar mission, Chandrayaan-1 lunched 2008, which became the first mission to find water on the lunar surface. Mangalyaan mission has bigger objectives (उद्देश्य – Uddesh) for India. The mission objectives include testing the sophisticated space technologies which are indigenous (स्वदेशी – Svadeshi) developed for the mission and could be used in the bigger and complex (जटिल – Jateel) interplanetary mission in the future (भविष्य – Bhavishy) as well as to find life on Mars.
Mangalyaan is equipped with four sensor probes and high-resolution color cameras which will transmit various sensor data and images back to Earth. Out of these sensor probes, the important probes is the one which will detect methane gas in the Martian atmosphere (वायु-मंडल – Vaayumandal). Methane gas is the indicator (सूचक – Suchak) of life on Earth and if Mangalyaan could detect methane in martian atmosphere, we can expect the life similar (समान – Samaan) to our own planet.

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