Primary Suffix in Hindi Posted by Nitin Kumar on Jul 23, 2012 in Hindi Language
Suffix (प्रत्यय – Pratyaya) are very important elements of Hindi grammar. Many Hindi words can be created using suitable suffix. The majority of Hindi words are created by the combination of a nouns or word derived from verbs and suffix.
For example, the word “खिलौना” (Khilona – Toy) is a combination of noun “खेल” (Khel – Play/Game/Match) and suffix “औना” (aana). As you can see, an interesting noun came into existence when a noun and suffix is combined.
In this post, I would like to discuss the primary suffix in Hindi. These are called कृत प्रत्यय (Krit Pratyaya) in Hindi. These suffix when added to a root of the word, forms a noun or adjective.
There are 5 different kinds of primary suffix in Hindi. These are:
1. कृत्तवाचक कृत प्रत्यय (Karttavaachak) – Subject Suffix
These suffix indicates the subject of the verb.
Suffix | Word Root | Example Word |
अक्कड़ (akkad) | भूल (bhul) | भुलक्कड़ (Bhulakkad – one who forgets) |
ऊ (u) | कमा (kamaa) | कमाऊ (Kamaau – one who earns) |
इया (iyaa) | घट (ghat) | घटिया (Ghatiya – Bad) |
वाला (vaala) | पड़ (pad) | पड़नेवाला (Padnevaala – one who reads) |
आऊ (aau) | टिक (tikau) | टिकाऊ (Tikaau – Durable) |
हार (haar) | होना (hona) | होनहार (Honhaar – Promising) |
दार (daar) | लेन (len) | लेनदार (Lendar – Creditor) |
आलु (aalu) | दया (Daya – Mercy) | दयालु (Dayaalu – Kind) |
2. कर्मवाचक (Karmavaachak) कृत प्रत्यय – Objective Suffix
These suffix indicates the object of the verb.
Suffix | Word Root | Example Word |
औना (aauna) | खेल (Khel – Game) | खिलौना (Khilauna – Toy) |
नी (ni) | चट (chat) | चटनी (Chatani – Sauce) |
ना (na) | खा (kha) | खाना (Khaana – Food, verb. to eat) |
3. भाववाचक (Bhaavavaachak) कृत प्रत्यय – Abstract Suffix
These suffix forms abstract nouns.
Suffix | Word Root | Example Word |
आन (aan) | उड़ (ud) | उड़ान (Udaan) |
आई (aai) | लिख (likh) | लिखाई (Likhai – Writing) |
इया (iyaa) | सज (saj) | सजावट (Sajaavat – Decoration) |
ई (ee) | बोल (Bol) | बोली (Boli – Language) |
आहट (aahat) | घबरा (Ghabra) | घबराट (Ghabraat – Nervousness) |
आव (aav) | बह (bah) | बहाव (Bahaav – Flow) |
औती (aauti) | कट (kat) | कटौती (Katauti – Deduction) |
4. करणवाचक (Karanavaachak) कृत प्रत्यय – Instrument Suffix
These suffix indicates the instrument with which the action has been done.
Suffix | Word Root | Example Word |
ई (ee) | खेत (Khet) | खेती (Kheti – Farming) |
ना (naa) | ढक (Dhak) | ढकना (Dhakna – verb. to cover) |
5. संस्कृत प्रत्यय – Suffix from Sanskrit
As the name suggest, these suffix are from Sanskrit.
Suffix | Word Root | Example Word |
य (ya) | पे (Pe) | पेय (Peya – Drink) |
व्य (vya) | श्रे(Sre) | श्रेय (Sheya – Credit) |

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Very help full
It was good to see ur profile information. I also have same ambition which u already achieved now. Please guide me if possible.
gambhirta sabd hindi grammer ki dristi se kya hai?
1. noun 2. verb 3. pronoun 4 adjective. please answer me
Nitin Kumar:
@sudarshan @sudarshan: Gambhirta (seriousness) is a noun and gambhir (serious) is an adjective.
Hope this helps!
So much helpfull for student
So much helpfull for all
Surakshit ka pratyay …kripya bataien please
Sweety Johar:
Pls Some body tell me hindiwords with pratyaya aak and va
Helpful but need more example
what is mulshabd and pratyay of chachere