Tag Archives: Colloquial
Levels of Language: Register in Hindi, Part 2 Posted by Rachael on Dec 23, 2017

In my last blog on the concept of “register” in Hindi, I discussed the more formal register of this language, which is heavily influenced by its “parent language” of sorts, Sanskrit. In this blog, I will delve into a more informal and colloquial register of Hindi: what is sometimes called “Hindustani.” “Hindustani” is a quintessential…
Levels of Language: Register in Hindi, Part 1 Posted by Rachael on Dec 17, 2017

“Register” simply refers to the various levels of speech that exist in any language––such as formal, informal/colloquial, slang, etc. Just as we have different registers in English, like the formal language you would use in a research paper or the slang terms you use when talking to a close friend, there are different registers in…