Tag Archives: hindi proverbs meanings
Hindi Lokoktiyan in Language Learning Posted by Nicole Herbert Dean on Sep 14, 2021

Photo courtesy Suzy Hazelwood from Pexels Hindi Proverbs or Lokoktiyan are also known as Kahavats. Hindi has a lot of figurative language, drawing from mythology. They are a part of everyday life in India. In the villages proverbs are passed down from generation to generation as a means of educating the children. In cities, the…
Practice on Hindi Proverbs Posted by Nitin Kumar on Jul 27, 2012
Proverbs, in any language, are the interesting ways to describe the commonly accepted facts which have been understood with experience. In Hindi, a proverb is called कहावत (Kahaavat). As the proverbs usually came out of understanding, way of thinking and experience of people, they can reflects the experience and cultural roots of a language’s speakers…