Tag Archives: traditional art of india
Kathak Posted by Nitin Kumar on Mar 24, 2014
Kathak (कथक) is one of the eight officially sanctioned classical (शास्त्रीय – Shastriya) dance forms of India. Kathak is derived from the Sanskrit word katha (कथा) meaning story, and katthaka in Sanskrit means he who tells a story, or to do with stories. In ancient time, the professional story-tellers called Kathakas used to tell story from Indian…
Bharata Natyam Posted by Nitin Kumar on Oct 21, 2013

India offers a variety of classical dance and Bharata Natyam is one of them. Origins of this classical (शास्त्रीय – Shastriy) dance form dates back to 4th or 3rd century B.C. and find the first reference (संदर्भ – Sandarbh) in ancient Indian treatise (आलेख – Aalekh) called Natya Shastra. It is the most popular dance…