Tag Archives: trinity in hinduism
Maha Shivaratri Posted by Nitin Kumar on Feb 20, 2012

महा शिवरात्रि (Maha Shivaratri) which literally means the big night or the great night of शिव (Shiva). It is a Hindu festival which is devoted to lord Shiva, who is one of the trinity. It is celebrated all across the India. It is celebrated every year on the 13th night till 14th day of the…
Trinity in Hinduism – Trimurti Posted by Nitin Kumar on Jan 23, 2012

In Hindu mythology, there is also a concept of trinity. In Hindi, it is called ” त्रिमूर्ति ” (Trimurti from Sanskrit, tri = three, murti = figure ). According to Vedanta’s cosmic philosophy, there exist the three figures namely “ब्रह्मा” (Brahma), who created the universe, ” विष्णु” (Vishnu) who maintain and preserve it and “शिव”…