Vocabulary in Hindi – Diseases Posted by Nitin Kumar on Aug 31, 2014 in Hindi Language
Let me show you some vocabulary of disease (रोग – Rog) in Hindi. The vocabulary on disease will come handy when you’ve to describe the health condition.
To help you to learn the vocabulary for the same, I have made an extensive word list. English and their translation into Hindi (in Devanagari script) is given along with their pronunciations in Hindi. Hope you’ll learn many new words in Hindi with this post.
English | Hindi | Romanized Hindi |
Apoplexy | मिरगी | Miragi |
Asthma | अस्थमा | Asthamaa |
Cancer | कैंसर | Kainsara |
Carbuncle | मसा | Masaa |
Cataract | मोतियाबिंद | Motiyābinda |
Cholera | हैजा | Haija |
Cold | ठंडा | Thand |
Cold fever | शीत ज्वर | Sit Jvar |
Coma | अचेतन अवस्था | Achetan Avastha |
Constipation | कब्ज | Kabj |
Cough | खांसी | Khansi |
Diuresis | मूत्राधिक्य | Mutraadhikya |
Diabetes | मधुमेह | Madhumeha |
Diarrhoea | अतिसार | Atisaar |
Dropsy | जलोदर | Jalodara |
Dysentery | पेचिश | Pechish |
Dyspepsia | अपच | Apach |
Eczema | विचर्चिका | Vichrchika |
Elephantiasis | फ़ीलपाँव | Filapanv |
Epilepsy | मिरगी | Miragi |
Erysipelas | विसर्प | Visarp |
Fever | ज्वर | Jvar |
Fistula | नालव्रण | Nalavrana |
Headache | सिरदर्द | Sardard |
Heart disease | हृद्रोग | Hrdiy Rog |
Haemorrhoids | अर्श | Arsh |
Herpes | दाद | Daad |
Hernia | वर्ध्म | Vadhrm |
Hiccough | हिचकी | Hichaki |
Influenza | श्लैष्मिक ज्वर | Shlesamik Jvar |
Itch | खुजली | Khujali |
Jaundice | पीलिया | Piliya |
Leprosy | कुष्ठ | Kusṭha |
Leucoderma | श्वित्र | Lukoderma |
Lumbago | कटिवात | Lumbego |
Malaria | मलेरिया | Maleriya |
Measles | खसरा | Khasara |
Migraine | माइग्रेन | Maigren |
Mumps | कण्ठमाला का रोग | Kanthmaala Ka Rog |
Myopia | निकट दृष्टि | Nikata Drsti |
Nausea | मतली | Matali |
Night Blindness |
रतौंधी | Ratondhi |
Paralysis | पक्षाघात | Pakṣaghata |
Pneumonia | निमोनिया | Nimoniya |
Piles | बवासीर | Bavaasir |
Plague | महामारी | Plega |
Pyrexia | ज्वर | Pyrexia |
Pyrosis | अम्लपित्त | Amlapitt |
Rheumatism | गठिया | Gathiya |
Rickets | रिकेट्स | Riketsa |
Ringworm | दाद | Daad |
Sciatica | कटिस्नायुशूल | Kaṭisnayusul |
Scrofula | कंठमाला | Kaṇṭhamala |
Small pox | चेचक | Chechak |
Sprain | मोच | Moch |
Thrombosis | घनास्त्रता | Ghanastrata |
Tuberculosis | क्षय रोग | Ksaya Rog |
Vaccinia | चेचक | Chechak |
Whitlow | बिसहरी | Bisahari |
Whooping Cough | काली-खांसी | Kaali – Khansi |

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Abhishek shukla:
aacha hai..
harsh maurya:
well provided names of disease in hindi thanks for helping….