If you’re new to Icelandic, we’ve created this simple table of Icelandic numbers from 1 to 20 just for you. We’ve also included a video with voice pronunciation. Listen to it a few times, and make sure to practice saying the words out loud too; this will really help you retain the information permanently.
There are some variations and form rules when it comes to Icelandic numbers. Please see our Icelandic numbers post for details on what forms to use when!
1 |
Einn |
2 |
Tveir |
3 |
þrír |
4 |
Fjórir |
5 |
Fimm |
6 |
Sex |
7 |
Sjö |
8 |
Átta |
9 |
Níu |
10 |
Tíu |
11 |
Ellefu |
12 |
Tólf |
13 |
Þréttán |
14 |
Fjórtán |
15 |
Fimmtán |
16 |
Sextán |
17 |
Sautján |
18 |
Átján |
19 |
Nítján |
20 |
Tuttugu |
Hi, there seems to be a tiny mistake in your video associated to this post: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WcZVxwJVXwg&feature=plcp
In the video, you mention the masculine and the neuter forms of 4, while showing the number 5 for “fjögur”, and from there onward, the image and the sound are out of sync.
Cristina Pop
Transparent Language:
@Cristina Hi Cristina,
Yes, there is an issue with that video, we’re getting a fix in place. Thanks for taking the time to point it out!
Also, “tuttugu” is never mentioned 🙂
@Cristina Thanks for inidnructog a little rationality into this debate.