Transparent Inglês

Phrasal verb: to bring up Posted by on Dec 1, 2010 in Intermediário

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Nosso post hoje traz os dois significados mais comuns do phrasal verb to bring up (brought up – brought up). Check it out!

01. criar, educar (alguém)

He was brought up by his aunt and uncle. – Ele foi criado pela sua tia e tio.
They brought her up as a Catholic. – Eles a educaram como católica.
I was brought up to respect authority. – Fui criado para respeitar as autoridades.
She brought up three sons on her own. – Ela criou três filhos sozinha.
These kids have been brought up on a diet of junk food. – Estas crianças foram criandas numa dieta de junk food.

02.  mencionar algo, falar sobre algo

Did you really have to bring that up? – Você tinha mesmo que falar disso?
I hate to bring this up but you owe me $50. – Odeio mencionar isso mas você me deve $50.
This issue will be brought up again in our next meeting. – Este assunto será tratado novamente na nossa próxima reunião.
Taking about this brings up sad feelings. – Falar disso me traz sentimentos tristes.
I will never bring up this issue again. – Nunca mais falarei deste assunto.

Exercício online com phrasal verbs do verbo to bring.

Take care and see you tomorrow!

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About the Author: Adir

English / Spanish teacher and translator for over 20 years. I have been blogging since 2007 and I am also a professional singer in my spare time.