O tempo é sempre um assunto comum e hoje, em vez de dar aquela lista longa de palavras relacionadas ao tempo, trago um diálogo sobre dois amigos, Adam e Jessica. Adam mora em Shanghai e Jessica irá visitá-lo semana que vem. Ela lhe pergunta sobre como vai estar o tempo, mas ele não tem notícias muito boas…
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Two friends are talking on the telephone. Jessica lives in Los Angeles and Adam lives in Shanghai.
Adam: Hello?
Jessica: Hi, Adam?
Adam: Hey, how are you doing? Are you getting ready (se preparando) for your visit? It’s going to be great. I’m really looking forward to (ansioso para) showing you around (mostrar os lugares turísticos de) Shanghai, it’s so exciting.
Jessica: Great, me too. Actually (na verdade), that’s why (é por isso que) I’m calling. What do you think the weather is going to be like (vai estar) next week? This afternoon I’m just going to do some packing (fazer um pouco de mala).
Adam: Well, it’s going to be cooler (mais frio) than Los Angeles and it will surely (com certeza) be rainier (mais chuvoso). In fact, according to the local weather forecast (previsão de tempo) it’s going to be partly cloudy (parcialmente nublado) and rainy this week. And then even (até mesmo) rainier next week.
Jessica: Really, is it the rainy season (estação chuvosa) there now?
Adam: Well, it’s not really the rainy season yet but we had some severe weather (tempo ruim) last month. We had showers (pancadas de chuva) every week and, uh, this month is going to be even rainier.
Jessica: So I should definitely bring my umbrella.
Adam: Yes, you might want (você deveria) to bring a jacket too; it’s a little bit (um pouquinho) cooler than Los Angeles, it will be about 15 degrees when you get (chegar) here. And it might dip down (cair) to around 10 degrees at night.
Jessica: 10 degrees! I thought you lived in Shanghai, not in Siberia.
Adam: Sorry, I mean (eu quis dizer) 10 degrees Celsius, let’s see, that’s about 48 degrees Fahrenheit?
Jessica: Oh, good, that’s more like it (ainda bem). That’s much cooler than Los Angeles but not too severe.
Adam: Anyway (enfim), we’re going to have a great time.
Fonte do áudio: Youtube