Hoje começamos uma série de quatro posts sobre algumas palavras básicas em inglês que adquirem um significado mais avançado quando são usadas como verbos. As palavras e os exemplos foram retiradas do livro Como dizer tudo em inglês avançadoe gentilmente cedidos pelo Ron Martinez, autor do livro.
– to speak to a group of people usually in a formal situation. (the stress is on the last syllable: address). The president addressed the press. [dirigir-se a, discursar]
– to deal with a problem. We need to address the issue of homelessness before it gets out of control. [lidar com]
2. Age
– to get older. As we age, our bodies go through a number of changes. [envelhecer]
3. Air
– to let out. She finally aired her feelings to me after she had a few drinks. [ventilar, expressar]
– to broadcast. The presidential debates aired live. [transmitir]
4. Back
– to support. The organization is backed by the government. [apoiar]
5. Baby
– to treat a child or adult like a baby; spoil someone. The boys are already teenagers but their mother still babies them. [mimar]
6. Beach
– when something from the ocean comes to shore. The whales died when they beached yesterday afternoon. [encalhar]
7. Blanket
– to cover something completely, especially climatic elements (i.e. snow, fog). The fresh snow blanketed the mountaintops. [cobrir]
8. Bottle
– to keep something, especially emotions, inside. He still has all that bottled up anger. [reprimir]
9. Bridge
– to make two people or things that are conceptually or culturally different come together. It’s not easy to bridge the cultural gap between people from different religious background. [unir, juntar]
10. Butter
– to praise a person so that they will give you what you want. I had to butter up my boss before I could ask him for a raise. [adular]
11. Card
– to ask someone for identification to prove their age, especially at a bar. She’s thirty-eight years old but she looks so young that she’s always carded at the door. [pedir o RG]
12. Chance
– to take a chance, risk. We weren’t sure if we could get in, but we chanced it anyway. [arriscar]