Transparent Inglês

Como dizer “eu ia fazer isso” em inglês Posted by on Jun 24, 2013 in Iniciante

Hello, there!

Começamos a semana com uma dica que raramente vejo nos livros de inglês: como dizer “eu ia fazer”, “você ia fazer” etc, em inglês.

É super fácil formar essa estrutura em inglês. Check it out!

verbo to be no passado (was,were) + going to + verbo principal

Forma Afirmativa

I was going to
You were going to
He was going to
She was going to
It was going to
We were going to
They were going to

Forma Negativa

I was not (wasn’t) going to
You were not (weren’t) going to
He was not (wasn’t) going to
She was not (wasn’t) going to
It was not (wasn’t) going to
We were not (weren’t) going to
They were not (weren’t) going to

Forma Interrogativa

Was I going to?
Were you going to?
Was he going to?
Was she going to?
Was it going to?
Were we going to?
Were they going to?

Alguns exemplos:

I was going to buy a jacket, but I didn’t have time.
Eu ia comprar uma jaqueta, mas não tive tempo.

You were going to tell me what happened, but you didn’t.
Você ia me dizer o que aconteceu, mas não disse.

Weren’t you going to do the dishes for me?
Você não ia lavar a louça para mim?

He was going to travel to Spain, but he didn’t have money.
Ele ia viajar para a Espanha, mas não tinha dinheiro.

He wasn’t going to do that at all.
Ele não ia fazer isso de jeito nenhum.

Was he going to marry her in June?
Ele ia se casar com ela em junho?

She was going to teach at that school at the beginning of the year.
Ela ia dar aula naquela escola no começo do ano.

Wasn’t she going to work part-time this year?
Ela não ia trabalhar meio-período este ano.

We were going to spend the day at the the beach, but it rained a lot.
Íamos passar o dia na praia, mas choveu muito.

Weren’t you guys going to help me move out?
Vocês não iam me ajudar a fazer a mudança?

They were going to travel tomorrow morning, but their car broke down.
Eles iam viajar amanhã de manhã, mas o carro quebrou.

Weren’t the girls going to make the food for the party?
As meninas não iam fazer a comida para a festa?

They said it was going to rain tomorrow.
Disseram que ia chover amanhã.

Take care and see you next time!

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About the Author: Adir

English / Spanish teacher and translator for over 20 years. I have been blogging since 2007 and I am also a professional singer in my spare time.