Japanese Language Blog

たんご Posted by on Sep 3, 2009 in Uncategorized

We’re gonning to take a look at some Japanese vocabulary (たんご). Have you heard about the Word of the Day? It’s a neat tool with several features that can help you master Japanese vocabulary. My favorite part of the Word of the Day is that it allows the user to hear the word through auditory means. In addition, it allows the user to see the word in context, which is very important.

For these words, I’ll give you some clues as to what these words are in Japanese. For the next post, I’ll give you the answers and the links to the answers so that you can see the word in context and hear how it’s pronounced.

1. to become ill

2. nerd (like an anime or manga nerd)

3. to get old (for people, not things)

4. prospective marriage meeting/date

5. to cheat (on a test)

6. low level female office worker

7. short person (sometimes used for small children)

8. to get fired

9. to skip (school)

10. to diet

11. delicious

12. condition, state of health

13. a PC

14. foolish, stupid

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