はじめまして (^∇^) Posted by yuki on Apr 4, 2012 in Uncategorized
はじめまして。My name is Yuki and I am the newest member of the Japanese Language Blog. Well I guess I’ll start with some information about myself (自己紹介 じこしょうかい- self introduction). I was born and raised in Austria オーストリア, a very small country in Europe ヨーロッパ. My parents 両親(りょうしん) are both from Japan and so I was brought up bilingually. (English is not my native language so please bear with me for my mistakes and awkward writing style (^-^*). Since most of my relatives 親戚 (しんせき) live in Japan, I try to visit them as much as I can. Although I really love Tokyo and its crowded atmosphere and skyscrapers, I also enjoy the rural charm of the village in the prefecture Akita 秋田県 (あきたけん), where my relatives live.
I live in Vienna ウィーン for almost 10 years and I love this city. It has the perfect combination of city atmosphere and is, at the same time, easy to get around in. If you are ever in Vienna you shouldn’t miss these places of interests 名所 (めいしょ): St. Stephen’s Cathedral シュテファン寺院, Schönbrunn Palace シェーンブルン宮殿 and the Vienna State Opera 国立オペラ座 ( こくりつおぺらざ).
Some topics I have in mind to write on: Japanese fashion (I love reading the blogs of Japanese fashion models 読者モデル(どくしゃもでる) and entertainer 芸能人(げいのうじん)) Japanese TV shows バラエティ番組 (I love watching Japanese TV shows especially the quiz shows and food related shows) and Japanese pop culture.
よろしくおねがいします。( ^_^)/

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Welcome Yuki!
I enjoy the blog and looking forward to your articles
i hope you will have the same translation/writing style as Marcel good luck