Archive for April, 2012
Moved! Posted by Marcel on Apr 15, 2012
Yet again, another long delay between entries, and I apologize! First things first, I’d like to say a warm hello to Yuki, our other new face here! Hopefully with two people blogging there won’t be any more long gaps between posts! As for me, I have been offline for the last 一ヵ月半 (いっかげつはん/month and a…
はじめまして (^∇^) Posted by yuki on Apr 4, 2012

はじめまして。My name is Yuki and I am the newest member of the Japanese Language Blog. Well I guess I’ll start with some information about myself (自己紹介 じこしょうかい- self introduction). I was born and raised in Austria オーストリア, a very small country in Europe ヨーロッパ. My parents 両親(りょうしん) are both from Japan and so I was…