Archive for August, 2012
“Candy” Pop Music Posted by Marcel on Aug 30, 2012
As many of you already know, the Japanese pop music scene is rather… eccentric. The variety is huge: Rock pop bands like: Tokio Solo pop singers like: 浜崎 あゆみ (はまさき あゆみ/Hamasaki Ayumi) or 宇多田 ヒカル (うただ ひかる) Utada Hikaru (not the most recent I know, but I don’t know the names of anyone more current) A huge number of…
Hakone – Ryokan and Onsen (Video) Posted by sasha on Aug 17, 2012
Just a few hours from Japan’s capital city of Tokyo lies the mountainous area known as Hakone. From the big city, you can take a bullet train, switch to a scenic train, and finally take a short cable car ride to get here. With such beautiful scenery, the ride is half the fun! Two of…
The National High School Baseball Championship Posted by Marcel on Aug 11, 2012

What’s 日本 (にっぽん/Japan’s) national sport? If you answered 相撲 (すもう/Sumo), you’d be right, at least on paper. If you rank by popularity though, 野球 (やきゅう/baseball) is far and away 日本’s most popular sport. 男の子 (おとこのこ/Boys) start playing in 小学校 (しょうがっこう/elementary school) with the dream of joining one of the 12 teams in Japan’s professional league…