Archive for January, 2021
Those Pesky Particles! Posted by eriko1 on Jan 14, 2021

As a non-native English speaker, my biggest foe is the article (冠詞 kanshi). Yes, those “a” and “the” devils. When you ask native English speakers, they always say – if you refer to an item the first time, use “a” and after that “the”. Well, life is not that simple especially in English that is full of exceptions (例外reigai). I…
New Year’s Cards (年賀状) Posted by eriko1 on Jan 5, 2021

明けましておめでとうございます。(A happy new year. Akemashite omedetogozaimasu) Let us start the 2021 blog with the Japanese declining tradition (伝統 dento)- New Year’s Cards called 年賀状(nengajo). It is a postcard with New Year’s greetings. You can purchase 年賀状 from your post office with a lottery number printed on them. In the New Year, numbers are drawn on…