Japanese Language Blog

Japanese Painters Posted by on Jul 14, 2010 in Culture

I can’t list all the Japanese painters that ever lived because there is simply too many to count. What I can do is list some of the more famous ones.

Hasegawa Tōhaku (長谷川 等伯) is known for his reserved style of painting. One of his famous paintings is called Shōrin zu byōbu (松林図 屏風), which is a painting of a pine tree:

Kanō Eitoku (狩野永徳) was the rival of Hasegawa and known for the exact opposite of Hasegawa. Kanō’s paintings were bold and grand. One of his paintings is called Karajishi (唐獅子図) :


Ogata Kōrin (尾形光琳) is known for using gold foil in his work. His most notable painting contains the subject matter of an iris flower with a gold background :


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  1. electra:


    I would like to know if there is a painter by the name of Youichi