Tag Archives: Christmas in Japan
Christmas in Japan Posted by eriko1 on Dec 20, 2021

I know I should write something about New Year in Japan. But I wrote about 年賀状, 除夜の鐘 ,福袋andお節 present and past last year. So I am going to focus on Christmas in Japan. https://blogs.transparent.com/japanese/new-years-cards-年賀状/ https://blogs.transparent.com/japanese/a-month-even-a-priest-must-run-part-1/ https://blogs.transparent.com/japanese/a-month-even-a-priest-must-run-part-2/ For a non-Christian country, Christmas is a huge event even though it is not a holiday (祭日saijitsu) in Japan…
Japanese Culture: Christmas in Japan Posted by Ginny on Dec 22, 2008
Christmas is not a national holiday in Japan. Nevertheless, some people still find time to celebrate Christmas, even after a long day at work. The Japanese have a tendency to take a tradition and make it uniquely their own. Some of the things that I’m going to mention in this post are going to sound…