Tag Archives: sake
Shochu Posted by Marcel on May 20, 2012

今日 (きょう/Today) I’d like to talk a little about my favorite Japanese alcoholic beverage, 焼酎 (しょうちゅう/Shochu)! This is not the traditional 酒 (さけ/sake) that many people order when they go to a 日本料理 (にほんりょうり/Japanese food) restaurant in another country. 酒 can be translated as rice wine, but the word is commonly used to describe any…
Japanese Food: Sake (さけ) Posted by Ginny on Nov 8, 2008
Today’s post will be on sake (さけ). Sake (さけ) is an alcoholic beverage in Japan made from rice. It is usually diluted with water so as to lower the alcohol content. (Though I can still manage to get dizzy from just one bottle!) There are many different kinds of sake (さけ), and I’m here to…