Tag Archives: spicy curry
I am not really OK with “daijoubu” (だいじょうぶ) Posted by eriko1 on Sep 24, 2020

As a former student of sociolinguistics, I am naturally drawn to anything related to (〜関係する) language and society (社会). Recently, I read a tweet from Salam Namaste, a Napali –Indian restaurant in Japan. だいじょうぶ は ネパールじんにぜんぜんだいじょうぶじゃない しゃかいじんとおなじぜんぜんわからないにほんごになった…? pic.twitter.com/2UlIY4mAv0 — 本格ネパール・インド料理サラムナマステ?? (@salamnamaste01) July 25, 2020 1) Napali “Can you eat another nan?” Japanese “Daijobu” Does the “daijobu” mean Yes or No?…