Norwegian Language Blog

Archive for November, 2017

Norwegian Homonyms Posted by on Nov 30, 2017

Good Knight! What would puns be without homonyms – words that have quite different meanings, but sound the same? Hjort [≈ gjort] er hjort [gjort] sa elgen og hoppet i elven og ble rein. (Deer [≈ done] is deer [done], the elk said, jumped into the river and became clean/a reindeer.) Here’s a list of…

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Norwegian Candy Posted by on Nov 21, 2017

Er du en søtmons? (Do you have a sweet tooth?) In Norway, the nearest smågodt (sweets, candy) is never far away. Even small bygder (towns) usually have some kind of kiosk (pronounced ”shosk”) or butikk (shop) where you can buy søtsaker (sweets) to få opp blodsukkeret (”get up the blood sugar”) or simply create some kos…

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