Did you know that the famous “synthpop/rock” band is Norwegian? I didn’t know this for a long time. a-ha is Norway’s best selling musical artist ever and they are going on a special tour in August and September around Norway before they go on to perform their last konserter (concerts) at Oslo Spektrum in December-unfortunately these are already utsolgt (sold out). There are 6 konserter coming up in late summer and here are their venues:
-Ullevål stadion-Oslo
-Brann stadion-Bergen
-Lerkendal stadion-Trondheim
-Sør Arena-Kristiansand
-Rått og Rådefestivalen-Stavnger
These 6 concerts, as far as I know at least, are ikke utsolgt (not sold out). Billettsalget begynner 3. mars klokka 0900 og slutter lørdag 6. mars kl. 1800 (The ticket sale starts March 3rd at 9 a.m. and ends Saturday March 6th at 6 p.m.). Billetter koster 595 NOK (Tickets cost 100 USD), unless you have A-kortet (A-card), which is available to individuals who have an abonnement (subscription) to Aftenposten. Med A-kortet er prisen 495 NOK (With the A-card the price is 83 USD). Just an FYI in case you are thinking about purchasing en billett, prisene er eks. billettavgift (the prices are excluding ticket taxes).
In addition to the announcement about the tour dates and locations late summer, a-ha has recently announced that the band will give 4 millioner NOK (over 673,000 USD) to 4 ferske artister (4 up-coming artists) during the last 4 stadium shows in Norway. Magne Furuholmen, one of the artister in the band, spoke on behalf of a-ha when he said that a-ha has had a spectacular career that mange støttet (many supported); these monetary gifts to young Norwegian bands is a way that a-ha can give back to the music community.
In addition to the konserter in Norway this summer and fall, a-ha will also make appearances in Toronto, ON (May 10) and Chicago, IL (May 13). Also, in late fall, a-ha will perform in England, Scotland, and Wales.
I wish I could experience ’’Ending on a High Note!’’