Norwegians are good at going på ferie (on vacation). Like most Europeans, Norwegians enjoy friluftsliv, outdoor life, such as å gå på tur, å gå på ski, å ta fly til Syden, o.s.v. (and so on). For eksempel, many Norwegians go up to hytter (cabins) in the mountains til påske (for Easter) and they spend a lot of time reading Påskekrim (Easter crime, books about crime that Norwegians read during Easter).
Norwegian workers get 11 paid public holidays off per year and a generous number of vacation days (5 weeks for most people). Now, this is a touchy subject because obviously you need some sort of money to go på ferie. However, it seems as though Norwegians enjoy going to their hytter in the mountains to be with familie (family) and venner (friends) just as much as anything else.
Taking all kinds of ferier (vacations) into consideration, let’s learn some words and phrases that will come in handy. First, what are some of the things you need to pack?
en koffert is a suitcase
å pakke is to pack
klær are clothes
noen få par sko are a few pair of shoes
en tannbørste is a toothbrush
tannpasta is toothpaste
et kamera is a camera
noe å lese something to read
What are some things you might need to do to prepare?
kjøpe billetter (buy tickets, i.e. for a plane, train, bus…)
bestille plass make reservations
lese turistlitteratur read tourist literature
planlegge aktiviteter plan activities
And what are some things that you hope will not happen på ferie, but often do?
Noen blir syk someone gets sick
Noen mister noe someone loses something
Folk blir lei av hverandre people get sick of each other
Noen blir skadet someone gets hurt
and last, but definitely not least,
Du bruker mye penger You spend a lot of money!!
Har du alt? Do you have everything?
Er du sikker på at du ikke har glemt noe? Are you sure that you have not forgotten something?