How’s the weather in Norway today? Posted by kari on May 23, 2010 in Uncategorized
Hvordan er været i Norge i dag? I, like most people, always want to know the weather forecast for the coming days so that I can plan for outdoor activities. I’m also rather curious about hvordan været er in other cities. Sometimes I’ll go to and type in cities where friends and family live just to see what kind of vær they are experiencing. So, I’ve done just that for Norway today and here are the results and I’ll give you the temperaturer in fahrenheit:
In Oslo, temperaturen er 62.6 grader (degrees) og sola skinner (and the sun shines).
In Trondheim, det regner (it’s raining) and temperaturen er 46.4 grader.
Det er overskyet (cloudy) og 51.8 grader i Bergen.
I Stavanger er det 10 grader, delvis overskyet og delvis sol (partly cloudy and partly sunny).
Været i Lillehammer er det samme som (the same as) Stavanger, men litt varmere (but a little warmer).
Både Bodø og Tromsø (Both Bodø and Tromsø) er overskyet og kaldt (ca. 39 grader).
Det er varmest på østlandet (It’s warmest on the east coast). Arendal er nesten (Arendal is almost) 70 grader med mye sol (with a lot of sun).
How about learning some more vær vokabulær? Ok.
høytrykk og lavtrykk – (high pressure and low pressure), which can be determined by taking barometerstander (barometric readings)
en værvarsel, en værmelding, en værvarsling – a weather forecast
værvarslingsstasjon – weather station
et værkart – a weather chart
hvis været tillater – weather permitting
værtett – weatherproof
værfast – stormbound, weatherbound
værlag – weather conditions
en værforandring, et væromslag – a weather change
værslitt – weathered
værsjuk, værsyk – sick because of the weather (for eksempel me in the winter…)
Norway uses the metric system and so any værvarsel you see will be in celsius. I always have a hard time remembering how to make the conversion, so I usually just plug the numbers into a converter and then I don’t have to trust my own brain. But, when I’m not near a computer, it would be nice to be able to do the math in my hand, or at least on paper. The formula is as follows:
Multiply the celsius temperature by 9. Divide the answer by 5. Add 32 and you have the temperature in fahrenheit. Doesn’t seem that complicated, but I have never been able to remember it.
Værforandringer around me inspired me to write this post. Været here has just been bizarre the past week. It was kaldt and våt (wet) for a few days and then all of the sudden there was a lot of vind, so much so that I almost got knocked off my bike and thrown into the ditch riding in the crosswind. Now it’s overskyet, but veldig varm and fuktig (humid). When sola kommer ut (the sun comes out), it’s going to be forferdelig (horribly) varmt.
Hvordan er været hvor du er? How is the weather where you are?

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About the Author: kari
I attended St. Olaf College in Northfield, MN, where I majored in Norwegian and History. During college, I spent almost a year living in Oslo, Norway, where I attended the University of Oslo and completed an internship at the United States Embassy. I have worked for Concordia Language Villages as a pre-K Norwegian teacher and have taught an adult Norwegian language class. Right now, I keep up by writing this Norwegian blog for Transparent Language. Please read and share your thoughts! I will be continuing this blog from my future residence in the Norwegian arctic!
Kari and Anne,
I always enjoy your Norwegian language posts, so thank you.
Here is a quick and easy way to convert temperatures from Celsius to Fahrenheit. It’s not always perfectly accurate, but is much easier than the usual math formula.
Double the Celsius, and add 30, for an approximate Fahrenheit.
For example: 10 c to F:
10 x 2 = 20
20 + 30 = 50°F
Ha det bra.