Norwegian Language Blog

Typical travel related questions in Norwegian Posted by on Sep 30, 2011

My job has given me the opportunity to do quite a bit of traveling.  Every month I travel somewhere for at least a few days, sometimes 2 weeks.  Although my colleagues and I usually have some sort of connection with someone who either lives or has lived in the cities we visit, we still find…

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Norwegian Baby Names Posted by on Sep 28, 2011

Although I am not planning on having barn (children) for some years yet, I often find myself brainstorming options for baby navn (names).  I have always been of the opinion that it must be extremely difficult to choose a navn that will stick with your barn for the rest of his or her life…

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Disappointing Autumn Colors in Norway Posted by on Sep 21, 2011

I was on a run with my dog in the nearby woods after work yesterday and remembered that last year at this time, I was not at home in Minnesota.  I was enjoying høsten (the fall) in Tromsø.  In fact, at exactly this time last year, I was returning from a jakttur (hunting trip).  I…

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Geitmyra-Oslo’s new Food and Culture Center for Kids Posted by on Sep 18, 2011

On Sept. 1, Geitmyra matkultursenter for barn (Food and Culture Center for Children) opened.  Geitmyra is an old farm in Norway’s capital city, Oslo, from the mid 18th century.  Norwegian Food writer and chef, Andreas Viestad, headed the project to open Geitmyra because he believes mat (food) should be an important part of every child’s…

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The World´s Only Bicycle Lift “Trampe” Invented in Trondheim, Norway Posted by on Sep 13, 2011

Further to my post yesterday on Cycling in Norway, I want to share an interesting piece of bicycle equipment with you.  The sykkel heis/trampe (bicycle elevator/lift) was invented in Trondheim, Norway in 1993 and is currently the only one of it’s kind in the world.  Why Trondheim, you might wonder? 1)  Trondheim is a…

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Cycling in Norway Posted by on Sep 13, 2011

I have had cycling on my mind as of late.  Every year our town celebrates the Defeat of Jesse James with MN’s largest all volunteer fair.  There are lots of carnival rides, food vendors, a bingo tent, a beer tent, a massive arts and crafts fair, a classic car show, a motorcycle ride, a parade…

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Cute Little Norwegian Shops Posted by on Sep 9, 2011

My boyfriend and I spent the Labor Day weekend sailing on the great Lake Superior.  We took lessons several years ago and keep going back to the company we took lessons with in Bayfield, WI.  For those interested in sailing, Lake Superior, or northern Wisconsin in general, the company is called Superior Charters and…

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