Norwegian Language Blog

Daglige ord Posted by on Oct 4, 2009

Daily words.  There are certain ord (words) or fraser (phrases) that you will most likely use throughout the course of a day.  Some of these are also ord that are nearly imerative while traveling in a country in which most people do not speak your language, but let’s pretend we are natives.  I am going to list…

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Prepososjoner-part II Posted by on Oct 2, 2009

Prepositions part II.  In the last post, I gave you example sentences that used preposisjoner to describe location.  I used subjects that one finds i (in), på (on), under (under), over (over), mellom (between), ved siden av (next to), bak (behind), foran (in front of)…things in and around a house.  I still think that’s the…

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preposisjoner i bruk Posted by on Sep 27, 2009

prepositions in use.  That’s what we’re going to go over today.  In the last post I explained the role of a preposisjon and gave many eksempler.  Now I think it is appropriate to highlight preposisjoner in sentences so that you can see how they are used.  It’s hard to say much without using a preposisjon and…

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Preposisjoner Posted by on Sep 25, 2009

Prepositions.  You knew the post was coming at some point.  You can’t talk or write for too long without using preposisjoner, so I better teach you them!  The following is Merriam-Webster’s definition of a preposisjon: : a function word that typically combines with a noun phrase to form a phrase which usually expresses a modification…

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Hvor mye vet du om Norge? Posted by on Sep 21, 2009

How much do you know about Norway? I thought it would be fun to learn some interesting facts that you may not have known about Norway. Visste du at (Did you know that) Norway’s kystlinje (coastline) is about 25,000km/15,500 miles long? Visste du at Norway has more than 45,000 øyer (islands) within it’s domain? Visste…

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kjærlighet Posted by on Sep 19, 2009

Love.  How could I forget the importance of knowing how to discuss love, dating, etc. in Norwegian?  These kinds of things usually peak interest in beginning foreign language students.  It’s nice to be able to ask someone out on a date and then to be able to ask them about their interests when you are…

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Familie Posted by on Sep 16, 2009

Family.  I have not yet written a post about familie and I think knowing how to talk about the different members of a family is a good thing.  It’s nice to know the word for all of the family members and then to be able to ask questions and reply to questions with answers with…

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