Tag Archives: kos
Norwegian Joys Posted by Bjørn A. Bojesen on Feb 28, 2022

Since you read this blog last month, a horrible krig [kreeg] (war) has broken out in the midst of Europa. Let’s all hope and wish it will end as soon and as peacefully as humanly possible. Verden trenger fred. (The world needs peace.) And we need to be able to communicate respectfully and try to…
Norwegians Love Kos Posted by Bjørn A. Bojesen on Oct 23, 2015
Nå skal vi kose oss! (Now let’s cozy up/enjoy ourselves!) In Iceland, I’ve been told, they have this vits (joke) about the stereotypical Norwegian being a hyperactive sportsman: Always trekking, skiing or running around in the most expensive and chic sportswear! Well, it’s certainly true that mange nordmenn elsker friluftsliv (many Norwegians love outdoor life)…
Huts of Norway Posted by Bjørn A. Bojesen on Jan 10, 2014
A couple of Norwegian friends and I recently shared the fun and excitement of walking to a hytte på fjellet (a hytte in the mountains), and it struck me I hadn’t written anything about hytter… En hytte (or ei hytte) translates as ’a hut’, ’a cottage’ or ’a cabin’. It’s basically a small house that…