Norwegian Language Blog

Tag Archives: norwegian grammar

The Norwegian verb ´to be´ Posted by on Feb 24, 2011

å være eller å ikke være-to be or not to be.  det er spørsmålet-that is the question. Alright, I couldn´t resist after I decided to write a post about the verb ´to be´-å være. This is a verb that we probably use more than any other.  In some or another we talk about ourselves and…

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Norwegian weak past tense verbs Posted by on Dec 29, 2010

Now that jul is over and the end of 201o is very near, I find myself thinking about things that have happened this past year.  You can never have too much practice with the past tense when you are learning a new language.  If you are like me, learning verb tenses is not your…

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´hos´a Norwegian word with many meanings Posted by on Sep 20, 2010

I find the word hos quite interesting.  Until recently I didn´t know it had so many betydninger( meanings).  The other day a Norwegian was asking me if I thought Norwegian was a hard language to learn.  I explained that although French and Spanish are the only other languages of which I have some comprehension, I…

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