Norwegian Language Blog

Tag Archives: nyttår

Looking Back and Looking Forward Posted by on Dec 31, 2017

Da ble det jammen nyttår igjen! (Then it really became New Year again!) Nyttårsaften (New Year’s Eve) is a time for looking back at året som gikk (the year that went) as well as looking forward to det nye året (the new year). Let’s look in both directions in this post. 🙂 To recall something…

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Happy New Year from the King Posted by on Dec 31, 2016

Unlike jula (Christmas), the Norwegian nyttårsfeiring (New Year Celebration) hasn’t got a lot of tradisjoner (traditioner). People get together, eat, drink (remember to say skål!) and watch fyrverkeri. (Fun fact: In Norway, after some recendt accidents, people aren’t allowed to use their own raketter – rockets – anymore, but many towns have their own official…

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Word of the Year 2014 Posted by on Dec 31, 2014

Every year a handful of Norwegian language geeks kårer årets norske ord (elect the Norwegian ”word of the year”). Språkrådet, the Norwegian Language Council, ranked the following ten candidates for 2014: 10. deleøkonomi (’share economy’) means that you share & recycle resources. Maybe you own a car together with your neighbour or borrow your best…

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New Year’s Resolutions in Norwegian Posted by on Dec 31, 2012

As 2012 is slipping away, it’s time to set the record straight for 2013! 🙂 Many people are making nyttårsforsett (or nyårsforsett, the singular and the plural are the same), or New Year’s resolutions, about things to improve or achieve during the upcoming year. I asked some family members and friends about their nyttårsforsett [NIT-ores-fore-set]: å leve sunt (to live healthy)…

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