å trene.
I would like to stay with the Olympic theme since the 2010 Vancouver winter games are on most peoples’ minds and they are nearly over 🙁 . I have been thinking a lot about how intense it must be to be an Olympic atlet. Think about the kind of disiplin one would have to prove-både fysisk (physical) og mentalsk (mentally). I can imagine it’s very similar to a full time job, but you can’t necessarily come home and have a couple drinks to ease whatever kind of day you might have had. Of course each trener (coach) operates in his or her own fashion, but there are definitely certain fraser (phrases) og forventninger (expectations) that trenere (coaches) tilbyr (offer) eller (or) roper (yell) to the athletes that you may hear on the TV og ikke forstå (and not understand). So what might yourself or an Olympic atlet (athlete) hear from a trener før, under, eller etter (before, during, or after) en konkurranse (a competition).
La oss begynne med før konkurransen (Let’s start with before the competition):
Lykke til-good luck
Ta et friskt vindpust –take a breath of fresh air
tenk på hva du skal gjøre-think about what you are going to do
bli sterk-be strong
ikke gi opp uansett hva som skjer (don’t give up no matter what happens)
tenk på hvordan du representerer landet ditt (think about how you represent your country)
ikke glem hvor hardt du har arbeidet for dette (don’t forget how hard you have worked for this)
under konkurransen (during the competition):
-kom igjen! (come on/let’s go…!)
–fortere (faster)
–høyere (higher)
–du kan gjøre det (you can do it)
-du må fokusere (you need to focus)
–slapp av (loosen up/relax)
etter konkurransen (after the competition)
–bra gjort (well done)
–gratulerer (congratulations)
–du ble veldig rolig (you remained very calm)
–du vant (you won)!
–dette var en god presentasjon/et godt program (that was a good presentation/program)
Ok, so these were pretty much positive comments, but that’s how I’m feeling right now after watching the short program kunstløp! I just saw South Korean Kim Yu-Na skate out of her mind and get 150 points.
Jeg elsker OL!