Although Vanlentinsdag is not widely recognized in Norway as an important Hallmark holiday as it is here in the United States, there is certainly nothing wrong with planning a fun day with your lover or exchanging gaver, norsk eller ikke (Norwegian or not). I have always thought that Valentinsdag was a pretty ridiculous helligdag (holiday) that most people take way too far. You know those girls that expect roser, sjokolade, og diamanter (roses, chocolate, and diamonds)…I specifically request not to receive any of these things.
I would much rather plan noe morsomt å gjøre sammen (something fun to do together) than receive stereotypical gifts. The following is a list of aktiviteter that I would love to do with my kjære (honey, dear) on Valentinsdag:
-Lag middag sammen. Make dinner together.
–Spis på en spesiell restaurant. Eat at a special restaurant.
–Gå på tur i skogen. Go on a walk in the woods.
–Bli hjemme og se på filmer. Stay home and watch movies.
–Drikk vin og spis dessert. Drink wine and eat dessert.
–Bak noe søt. Bake something sweet.
–Dra på museum. Go to a museum.
–Gå på kino. Go to the movies.
There are certainly many more aktiviteter that would be enjoyable to do with your lover på Valentinsdag, but I thought I would share a few ideas in case you couldn’t think of any.
Kjæresten min og jeg, vi skal ut på en brasiliensk restaurant på Valentinsdag. My boyfriend and I, we are going out to a Brazilian restaurant on Valentine’s Day.
Hva skal dere gjøre? What will you do?
Hvis jeg var singel, skulle jeg være med venner! If I was single, I’d be with my friends!