Advanced Spanish Listening Practice – Different uses of the Spanish present tense Posted by Laura & Adam on Apr 11, 2020 in Learning, Spanish Culture, Spanish Grammar, Spanish Vocabulary
In this Spanish lesson we are going to look at and practice the different uses of the Spanish present tense. As usual, first we will review some relevant grammar and vocabulary and then see if you can follow a short listening.
This lesson is part of a Spanish course that practices the grammar and vocabulary first introduced in my Advanced Spanish course posted here on the Transparent Language blog. Let’s test your listening comprehension and see if you can understand a short audio in Spanish. The transcript to the audio will be given at the end of the post but please try not to look at it until you have tried playing and understanding the audio a few times.
Use the following link to watch the corresponding video lesson of the original course:
Advanced Spanish Lesson – Different uses of the Spanish present tense
Now play the audio to listen a conversation. Can you understand what is being said? Play the audio a few times before you look at the transcript. Don’t worry if you don’t understand every single thing the two people are saying. Try to catch whichever words you can and then try to piece things together to work out what is being said.
(Play the audio a few times before you scroll down and look at the transcript)
Patricia: Tom ¿nos tomamos algo en el bar de Pepe?
Tom: ¿Ahora? Tengo un montón de cosas que hacer.
Patricia: ¿Cosas? ¿Qué cosas?
Tom: Pues…Estudiar historia. Tengo un examen de historia de España el jueves.
Patricia: ¿Historia de España? Vamos a ver. Tú te vienes al bar conmigo, te tomas unas cañas y luego estudias.
Tom: Que no, que no. Que tengo muchísimo que estudiar y todavía no he comenzado.
Patricia: Yo te ayudo en el bar.
Tom: ¿Tú?
Patricia: Sí, sé mucho de historia de España. ‘Los reyes católicos son Fernando II de Aragón e Isabel I de Castilla, quienes unifican la corona de Aragón y de Castilla y dan lugar a la Monarquía Hispana’.
Tom: Bueno, no está mal. Pero no solo tengo que estudiar a los Reyes Católicos.
Patricia: Ya… pero yo te ayudo con lo que sea, que leo muchas novelas históricas y aprendo un montón sobre historia leyéndolas. Venga ¿vienes conmigo? Marta y Carlos nos están esperando en el bar.
Tom: Vale, venga. Voy. Pero solo un rato.
Patricia: Perfecto. Seguro que aprendes mucho más que estudiando en casa.
Tom: Eso espero.
So, how did you get on? How much did you understand of the listening? Please let me know in the comments section below…
Don’t worry if you didn’t understand that much, keep reviewing the vocabulary and phrases and you will soon be up to speed and ready for the next lesson in this course. See you next time!

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