Spanish Language Blog

Archive for 'Uncategorized'

Rhetorical Figures in Spanish Literature (Part 2) Posted by on May 29, 2020

As I promised in my previous post, let’s continue revising some of the most used rhetorical figures in Spanish literature. Hyperbaton El hipérbaton Is the changing of position regarding the natural word order in a given language.   Del salón en el ángulo oscuro, de su dueña tal vez olvidada, silenciosa y cubierta de polvo…

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Cooking in Lockdown: Enchiladas Posted by on May 28, 2020

Last September, I purchased some delicious chiles poblanos to make Chile en Nogada. I had a few leftover that I have been safeguarding ever since waiting for the right recipe. My abuelita had the answer to this: enchiladas! La receta Enchiladas are a very versatile dish in Mexico. You can have so many variations of this dish…

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The Almighty Taco Posted by on May 27, 2020

El taco es el plato más famoso de México (The taco is the most famous dish of Mexico). You may be familiar with Taco Tuesday, but in Mexico it’s Taco Every Day! The almighty taco can be eaten at all times of the day. It’s just as good for breakfast as it is a late-night…

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Rhetorical Figures in Spanish Literature (Part 1) Posted by on May 25, 2020

Rhetorical figures are intentional deviations from the conventional sequence of words in a literary work, whose purpose is to create a sensorial meaning or rhetorical effect. Some rhetorical figures can be associated with figurative language, as it usually encompasses a non-literal usage of words, meant to evoke a variety of emotions from readers. Rhetorical figures…

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Cooking in Lockdown: Banana Bread Posted by on May 21, 2020

The recent COVID-19 crisis has brought out the cook or cocinero in most of us. There are so many people sharing recetas or recipes online as well as some very funny fracasos or fails in the kitchen. I am not much of a baker, but a recent accumulation of plátanos or bananas motivated me to make banana muffins…

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A Practical Guide to the Coronavirus Pandemic in Spanish Posted by on Apr 30, 2020

If you have been reading some of my previous posts, you may be familiar with the most popular newspapers in Spanish and practiced your language skills by checking them daily. Another thing you have surely noticed is that coronavirus has been the main subject on all media since months. In this post, you will find…

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How is Mexico handling COVID-19? Posted by on Apr 23, 2020

The COVID-19 virus reached Mexico late February 2020. In an effort to inform the country of the updates and the necessary measures, the Secretaría de Salud or the health department has had daily press conferences since February 29, 2020. In this post, I want to explore some of the measures taken and the campaign to…

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