Cuéntame todo. Posted by Adir on Sep 24, 2009 in Spanish Vocabulary
The verb contar has several meanings. Check them out!
1. to count (to add up)
Ella quiere perder peso sin contar calorías. – She wants to lose weight without counting calories.
2. to tell (a story)
¿Le contaste la historia a tu hermano? – Did you tell your brother the story?
No se lo cuente a nadie. – Don’t tell anybody.
3. to have (a period of time)
Cuenta 15 años de experiencia en periodismo. – He has 15 years of experience in journalism.
4. to count (to matter)
La maestra dijo que ese error no cuenta. – The teacher said this mistake doesn’t count.
5. used with “con”
Cuento contigo. – I’m counting on you.
Cuento con los derechos de reventa de los libros de Stephen King. – I have the resale rights for Stephen King’s books.
Tuve que contar con expertos en biología para terminar tal trabajo. – I had to count on Biology experts to finish that job.
6. Con esto yo no contaba. – I wasn’t expecting this.
7. ¿Qué te cuentas? – What’s happening?
9. to count oneself in, to considerer oneself as.
Los medios estadounidenses se cuentan entre los mejores del mundo. – The American media are among the best in the world.
Nos vemos prontito.

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very very thax ,that importante material. thax u senor.