Spanish Language Blog

English Spanish Vocabulary – Human physiology Fisiología humana Posted by on Apr 27, 2016 in Learning, Spanish Grammar, Spanish Vocabulary

Today we are going to practice useful Spanish vocabulary related to Human physiology.

Hoy vamos a practicar vocabulario español útil relacionado con Fisiología humana.


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Human physiology Fisiología humana

Abdomen: abdomen
Anatomy: anatomía
Appendix: apéndice
Artery: arteria
Biceps: bíceps
Bladder: vejiga
Blood: sangre
Bone: hueso
Brain: cerebro
Calf: pantorrilla
Capillary: vaso capilar
Cell: célula
Cranium: cráneo
Cuticle: cutícula
Ear (inner): oído
Eardrum: tímpano
Esophagus: esófago
Eye: ojo
Eyebrow: ceja
Eyelash: pestaña
Eyelid: párpado
Face: cara
Fingernail: uña
Gall bladder: vesícula biliar
Gland: glándula
Groin: ingle
Gum: encía
Heart: corazón
Intestine: intestino
Jaw: mandíbula
Kidney: riñón
Ligament: ligamento
Liver: hígado
Lung: pulmón
Mandible: mandíbula
Muscle: músculo
Nerve: nervio
Organ: órgano
Palate: paladar
Palm: palma de la mano
Pancreas: páncreas
Prostate: prostata
Rib: costilla
Scalp: cuero cabelludo
Sinus: seno
Skeleton: esqueleto
Sole: planta del pie
Spine: columna vertebral
Spleen: bazo
Sternum: esternón
Stomach: estómago
Temple: sien
Tendon: tendón
Thorax: tórax
Throat: garganta
Thyroid: tiroides
Tonsil: amígdala
Trachea: tráquea
Umbilical cord: cordón umbilical
Vein: vena

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About the Author: Laura & Adam

Laura & Adam have been blogging and creating online Spanish courses for Transparent Language since 2010. Laura is from Bilbao in northern Spain and Adam is from Devon in the south of England. They lived together in Spain for over 10 years, where their 2 daughters were born, and now they live in Scotland. Both Laura & Adam qualified as foreign language teachers in 2004 and since have been teaching Spanish in Spain, the UK, and online.


  1. davio:

    Hola Laura.

    Creo q es mejor nombrar esta leccion: “Anatomia” en vez de “fisiologia,” que tiene mas q ver con las funciones del cuerpo…la anatomia describe la estructura del cuerpo.

    Soy medico jubilado…pero he estudiado el espanol por ~45 años…lenguaje tan linda!

    • Laura:

      @davio Muchas gracias Davio. Tienes razón. Saludos, Laura