How to describe someone physically, en español Posted by Adir on Feb 23, 2012 in Spanish Vocabulary
Hey, there! How’ve you been?
Let’s learn some very interesting sentences to learn how to describe someone physically in Spanish. But before that, let me give you a tip: when you repeat these sentences, try to remember someone you know who has those features; that should make it easier for you to remember the words and adjectives.
Let’s go for it!
Altura y Peso [Height and weight]
Es de estatura mediana. [He’s average height.]
No es gordo ni delgado. [He’s average weight.]
Es alto / bajo. [He’s tall / short.]
Es gordo / delgado. [He’s fat / thin.]
Es esbelto. [He’s slim.]
Es esquelético / flaco. [He’s skinny.]
Cabello y Ojos [Hair and Eyes]
Tiene el pelo negro y largo. [She has long black hair.]
Tiene el pelo rubio y corto. [She has short blond hair.]
Tiene el pelo castaño y rizado. [She has curly brown hair.]
Es rubia / morena. [She’s a blonde / brunette.]
Es pelirroja. [She’s red-haired.]
Tiene el pelo lacio. [She has straight hair.]
Tiene el pelo ondulado. [She has wavy hair.]
Tiene los ojos castaños. [She has brown eyes.]
Tiene los ojos castaño claro / oscuro. [She has light / dark brown eyes.]
Tiene los ojos verdes / azules. [She has green / blue eyes.]
Otras características físicas [Other physical features]
Es pelado. [He’s bald.]
Es medio pelado. [He’s balding.]
Usa peluca. [He wears a wig.]
Usa / Tiene barba. [He has a beard.]
Usa / Tiene bigote. [He has a mustache.]
Tiene chivita (Arg.) / perilla (Spain). – He has a goatee.
Es bonita / linda. [She’s pretty / gorgeous.]
Es gordito. [He’s chubby.]
Es achaparrado. [He’s stocky.]
Es musculoso. [He’s built.]
Tiene la espalda ancha. [He has broad shoulders.]
Es atractivo. [He’s attractive.]
Tiene un poco de sobrepeso. [He’s a little overweight.]
Tiene cintura de avispa. [She has a slim waist.]
Tiene caderas anchas. [She has wide hips.]

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como se dice ” light skinned” or dark skinned? or is “tan”?
Thanks for the help!!!