Spanish Language Blog

Similar words in English and Spanish Posted by on Jan 15, 2014 in Learning, Spanish Vocabulary

¿Es aprender español uno de tus propósitos de año nuevo? No te asustes, porque hay un montón de palabras que ya conoces. Por ejemplo, puedes ver un film y dar tu opinión sobre el actor principal. También puedes comprar un álbum de música y decir a tus amigos cómo de admirable (u horrible, dependiendo del caso) es la voz del cantante. ¡O incluso escucharlo en la radio!

También puedes comentar acerca del aroma artificial que algunos dulces de chocolate tienen, y lo sensual que es compartir una caja de bombones con tu chico o chica. Pero imagina que los bombones están caducados: posiblemente tendrás que ir al hospital a ver a un doctor y asegurarte de que tu enfermedad no está causada por un virus. Después de eso puedes ir al zoo a ver algún animal si vives en una capital, o quizá prefieras un hotel, o un motel (un oasis sería demasiado, ¿no os parece?), para descansar tras esta terrible velada.

Cuidado con quienes te pidan un favor, puede ser fatal para ti: la crisis todavía está ahí fuera, y pueden necesitar un dólar o dos (cientos). A esta lista podemos añadir canal, civil, conclusión, final, funeral, general, honor, horror, natural, taxi, o terror.

Como veis, tenéis mucho material para iniciar una conversación en español, y practicar.


Is learning Spanish one of your New Year resolutions? Don´t panic, because there are a lot of words you already know.  For example, you can watch a film and give your opinion about the main actor. You can also buy a music album and tell your friends how admirable (or how horrible, depending on the case) the singer´s voice is. Or even listen to it in the radio!

You can also discuss about the artificial aroma some chocolate sweets have, and how sensual it is to share a box of chocolates with your boy or girl. But imagine the sweets are gone bad: you´ll probably have to go to the hospital to see a doctor and be sure your illness is not caused by a virus. After that you can go to the zoo to see some animals if you live in a capital, or maybe you prefer a hotel, or a motel (an oasis would be too much… don´t you think?) to rest after this terrible evening.

Be careful with people who ask you for a favor, it can be fatal for you: the crisis is still out there, and they can be in needed of a dollar or two (hundred). We can add to the list canal, civil, conclusion, final, funeral, general, honor, horror, natural, taxi, or terror.

As you can see you have plenty of material to start a conversation in Spanish, and have some practice.

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About the Author: Magda

Hi all! I’m Magda, a Spanish native speaker writing the culture posts in the Transparent Language Spanish blog. I have a Bachelor’s in English Philology and a Master’s in Linguistics and Literature from the University of Granada, in Spain. I have also completed a Postgraduate Certificate in Education, and then worked as an English teacher in several schools and academies for several years. Last year was my first at university level. In addition, I work as a private tutor, teaching English and Spanish as a foreign language to students and adults. In my free time, I’m an avid reader and writer, editing and collaborating in several literary blogs. I have published my first poetry book recently. And last but not least, I love photography!