Song: Tú, by Noelia Posted by Adir on Sep 13, 2011 in Spanish Culture
Noelia Lorenzo Monge (August 31, 1979 – Puerto Rico), mostly known as Noelia, is a Puerto Rican pop singer who rose to fame in 1999. She is the oldest daughter of Puerto Rican singer Yolandita Monge.
Her self-titled debut album was certified gold in the United States. During her career she has had nine Latin Billboard Top 40 hits. (Wikipedia)
Here’s her song, Tú.
En mi mente estás como una adicción que se siente dulce, tierna y natural
In my mind you’re like an addcition that is sweet, tender and natural
Pasas el umbral de mi intimidad, llegas hasta el fondo de cada rincón
You cross the threshold to my intimacy and get to the bottom of every corner
Me tienes aquí como quieres tú, vienes y desplazas a mi soledad, me vas atrapando
You have me here as you want, you come and take away my solitude, you trap me
En mi mente estás palpitando a mil y verte a mi lado es mi necesidad
In my mind you’re throbbing and seeing you by my side is my need
El dejarte ir o decir adiós es morir en vida, es negarme a mí
Letting you go or saying goodbye is dying alive, it’s denying myself
Que mi libertad se termina en ti y sentirte cerca de nuevo es saber que te estoy amando.
My freedom ends in you and feeling you close again is knowing that I’m loving you
Tú y de nuevo tú, dejas que naufrague justamente en ti
You and you again, let me drown right into you
Tú, mi locura tú, me atas a tu cuerpo no me dejas ir,
You, my madness you, tie me to your body and don’t let me go
Tú, adherido aquí, entre cada átomo, entre cada célula
You, stuck here, between each atom, between each cell
Vives tú, todo lo llenas tú, que vienes y pasas como un huracán
You live, you fulfill everything, you come and go like a hurricane
Tú, total y pleno tú, te has vuelto mis fuerza y mi talismán
You, complete you, have become my strength and my talisman
Tú, silente y sutil entre cada átomo, entre cada célula vives tú
You, silent and subtle between each atom, between each cell you live
Vas creciendo en mí, es inevitable, caigo en tu mirada, soy tan vulnerable
You grow inside of me, it’s unavoidable, I fall into your eyes, I’m so vulnerable
Desprendes la luz de cada palabra, te has vuelto mi espada tras cada batalla
You light up every word and have become my sword in each battle
Descubrí el amor al llegar a ti y caigo de nuevo en esta conclusión que te estoy amando
I found love when I came to you and I realize again I’m loving you
Tú y de nuevo tú…
Y es que has hecho de mí lo que tú quieres, lo que sientes, lo que has deseado,
You have done with me what you want, what you feel, what you desire
A tu sexo, a tus ganas, a tu entorno, a tus afectos tú me has moldeado y en todo vives tú…
To your sex, your cravings, your surroundings, to your affections you have molded me and you live in everything…

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