Sports vocabulary Posted by Transparent Language on Jun 6, 2008 in Spanish Vocabulary
Today we’re going to learn and review some sports vocabulary, take a look!
el ala delta – hang-gliding
el alpinismo – mountaineering
las artes marciales – martial arts
el atletismo – athletics/track and field
el automovilismo – motor racing
el bádminton – badminton
el baloncesto – basketball
el balonmano – handball
el béisbol – baseball
el billar – billiards, snooker
el bowling, los bolos – bowling
el boxeo – boxing
el buceo – scuba diving
el canotaje – canoeing
las carreras de caballos – horseracing
el ciclismo – cycling
los dardos – darts
la equitación – horse riding
el esquí – skiing
el footing – jogging
el fútbol – soccer
el fútbol americano – football (US)
la gimnasia aeróbica – aerobics
el golf – golf
el hockey – hockey
el hockey sobre hielo – ice hockey
el judo – judo
el karate – karate
el levantamiento de pesas – weightlifting
la lucha libre – wrestling
el motociclismo – motorcycling
la natación – swimming
la navegación, la vela – sailing
el patinaje – skating
el patinaje sobre hielo – ice skating
el ping-pong – table tennis
el pool, el billar americano – pool
el remo – rowing
el rugby – rugby
el tenis – tennis
el tiro con arco – archery
el voleibol – volleyball
el windsurf – windsurfing
If you want to learn some more specific words within any of these disciplines, don´t hesitate to write us a comment.
Nos vemos prontito.

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It would be extremely helpful if you would indicate to all of us how the Spanish word is pronounced. For those of us that are not sure, just having the Spanish word indicated without any pronunciation help is a waste of time. As part of learning a new Spanish vocabulary word it is also important to learn the correct pronunciation.
I hope you will take my recommendation into consideration as I’m very serious, as many others out there are too, in learning new vocabulary but at the same time learning to speak it properly.
Thank you, Carole
Thank you for the vocabulary.
Could you please include the definite article to indicate gender in the future?
By athletics, do you mean track and field events?
The beauty of Spanish pronunciation is that it is pronounced pretty much as it is written. Every vowel has one and only one sound. If the word does not follow the rules for syllable stress, there will be an accent mark telling you where to put the stress. And there are only two rules for stress: 1) if it ends in a vowel, -n or -s, the stress falls on the second to last syllable. 2)When the word ends in a different consonant, the final syllable is stressed.
Knowing the gender of the words would be helpful.
david carmona:
I have edited the post to show the gender for each sport. Thank you for your suggestions. They help us make this a better blog for you.
Like Beatrice said, Spanish pronunciation is very straightforward, once you’ve gone over the phonetics for each letter. Stress and accentuation rules are also easy to apply. Using WOTD will also help you recognize the patterns in a more practical way.
If you’re still struggling with particular words, just let us know, as well as your preferred standard. I normally use the IPA.
joanna Sessions:
I am looking for “horse riding” vocabulary in Spanish. Anything to do with horse riding and horses. This is for a 15 yr old student of mine.
Montar a cabello is horse riding
Can you do some vocabulary for events within track and field. For example: long jump, high jump ect.