Study tip: talk about your routine Posted by Adir on Apr 1, 2013 in Learning
Hey, there! How was Easter? I hope you guys had a good time!
today’s tip doesn’t require a lot of knowledge of the Spanish language and it works wonders, hace maravillas and it is to talk about your routine. Some of us would like to say we live an adventurous life, but most of us have a pretty fixed schedule during the week and that will help you improve your Spanish.
So let’s start by learning/reviewing the days of the week. Remember they are masculine in Spanish.
(el) lunes, (el) martes, (el) miércoles, (el) jueves, (el) viernes, (el) sábado, (el) domingo
It is also useful to know how to say the time in Spanish. If you want to review it, click here.
Now think of some activities that you do daily, like:
despertarse [to wake up]
levantarse [to get up]
desayunar [to have breakfast]
pegar una ducha [to take a shower]
ir al trabajo [to go to work]
almorzar [to have lunch]
salir del trabajo [to leave work]
cenar [to have dinner]
acostarse [to go to bed]
Try and make sentences in the present like this:
Me despierto a las siete de la mañana. [I wake up at seven AM.]
Pego una ducha y después desayuno. [I take a shower and then I have breakfast.]
Voy al trabajo a las ocho y cuarto. [I go to work at eight-fifteen.]
… and so on.
You can try and say what you did yesterday:
Ayer me desperté a las siete de la mañana. [Yesterday I woke up at seven AM.]
Pegué una ducha y después desayuné. [I took a shower and then I had breakfast.]
Fui al trabajo a las ocho y cuarto. [I went to work at eight-fifteen.]
Or you can even work with the future using the ir + a + verb structure.
Mañana voy a despertarme a las diete de la mañana. [Tomorrow I’m going to wake up at seven AM.]
Voy a pegar una ducha y después voy a desayunar. [I’m going to take a shower and then I’m going to have breakfast.]
Voy a trabajar a las ocho y cuarto. [I’m going to work at eight-fifteen.]
See how you can make dozens of useful sentences using the same verbs? You can also add the days of the week or periods of the day like por la mañana [in the morning], etc.
So why don’t you tell me what your daily routine is like? I’d LOVE to hear from you, really!
Nos vemos prontito.
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