Spanish Language Blog

Tag Archives: alquilar

How to rent an apartment in Latin America and Spain (2) Posted by on Nov 21, 2016

This Monday we discussed how to rent an apartment in Spanish. We learnt Spanish vocabulary related to the process of renting an apartment in America. Now we will see the differences with European Spanish. To begin with, we talk about ” un piso” and not “un apartamento”, very much like the UK-US difference between “flat”…

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How to rent an apartment in Latin America and Spain (1) Posted by on Nov 14, 2016

A huge part of growing up is related to being able to move out of your parents’ house. One of the options is renting out an apartment (or flat). You surely know how to do this in English, but what happens if you plan on moving to a Spanish-speaking country? Is alquilar the same as rentar?…

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