Tag Archives: Antigua
Un Viaje Virtual a Guatemala Posted by sasha on Jul 14, 2020

Normalmente paso el verano viajando, pero eso no es realmente posible este año (I usually spend my summer traveling, but that’s not really possible this year). I never stop dreaming about travel, though, and neither should you! That’s why I’m going to continue my “virtual tours” here on the Spanish blog. Hoy viajamos a uno…
The Best Places to Learn Spanish in 2020 Posted by sasha on Jan 22, 2020

¿Cuáles son tus resoluciones de año nuevo? (What are your New Year’s Resolutions?). For many people, a New Year’s Resolution is to aprende un idioma (learn a language). That’s probably why you’re reading this blog! In this post I’m going to talk about los mejores lugares para aprender español en 2020 (the best places to…
Semana Santa en Guatemala (Holy Week in Guatemala) Posted by sasha on May 8, 2019

When I started doing research before our move to Latin America a few years ago, I had a list of things I really wanted to experience. Visiting Machu Picchu, hiking in Patagonia, seeing lucha libre in Mexico, and experiencing Holy Week in Guatemala were all high up on my list. A few weeks ago, I…