Spanish Language Blog

Tag Archives: Cerro San Cristobal

Santiago de Chile en español (Parte Dos) Posted by on Apr 4, 2018

Santiago de Chile en español (Parte Dos)

We’re exploring the Chilean capital in a new video series called “Santiago de Chile en español.” Go back and watch Part One in case you missed it before checking out the new video. In Part Two, we visit some of the city’s hills to take in the views and eat the classic completo inside Latin…

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Santiago de Chile Posted by on Mar 7, 2018

Months and Seasons in Spanish

For the past year, I’ve been bouncing around Latin America. You can read about my adventures in Mexico, Colombia, and Ecuador in part one, as well as Peru and Chile in part two. In this time, I’ve been trying out the digital nomad lifestyle – working online, learning Spanish, and exploring in my free time…

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